
“Slippery When Wet”
On 2:30 x 5
400m Run
Max Snatches @ 115/80

WOD Guidance:
Today we have two movements that will blast our heart rate into orbit. There is no rest programmed between 2:30 intervals, so we need to find the place to breathe. Our place to breathe is the run. We need to be comfortable running a sub 2 minute 400m in a way that allows us to recover our arms and shoulders for the next round of snatches, as well as catch our breath a little bit. This being the case, it’s a great day to scale the run to 300m or even 200m. When we see the 115/80 barbell, this is our moderate weight for snatches. This means that we should be coming in and doing an unbroken set somewhere in the 3-7 rep range, then following it up with quick singles until our coach tells us to get back out on our next run.

What mess do you force someone else to clean up?