
“Tech Support”
1 Complex of 3 Strict Chest to Bar + 3 Strict Knees to Elbows
3 Double KB/DB Front Squat @ 53/35 or 50/35

1 Complex of 3 Strict Chest to Bar + 3 Strict Knees to Elbows
6 Double KB/DB Front Squat @ 53/35 or 50/35

1 Complex of 3 Strict Chest to Bar + 3 Strict Knees to Elbows
9 Double KB/DB Front Squat @ 53/35 or 50/35

1 Complex of 3 Strict Chest to Bar + 3 Strict Knees to Elbows
12 Double KB/DB Front Squat @ 53/35 or 50/35

*Continue Adding 3 reps to KB/DB Complex

WOD Guidance:
Today we have a gymnastics complex featuring two strict movements. For our complex, we’re trying to combine our hardest version of a strict pull-up with a strict abdominal movement. This could be strict pull-up/knee raise or even ring row/sit-up. Our goal is to keep the complex unbroken, even between the knees to elbows and the chest to bar. For our front squats, we can break them up as much as we want. However, we should pick a weight for the front squat that allows us to do at least 10 reps unbroken. Especially using kettlebells, we should be more limited by our ability to rack the weights on our shoulders than we are by our leg strength. To that point, we should prioritize using kettlebells over dumbbells today. The kettlebells will place a higher stability demand on the core and help us get stronger than dumbbells will.

What piece of technology can’t you figure out?

Box Brief:
Come Celebrate 10 Years of Fitness in Southborough,
Saturday July 16th at TILT V starting @9:00am!