“Double Dip”
5 rounds of
15 Strict Press @ 95/65
15 Strict Ring Dips
1000m Row/Ski or 2000m Bike
What’s the funniest TV show from the 80s or 90s?
WOD Guidance:
This workout is a test of pressing strength and stamina! When we’re picking our weight on strict presses today, we should pick a weight that allows us to work in three sets throughout the workout, either utilizing 5-5-5 to accomplish our fifteen reps every round. The strict ring dip is by far the most difficult movement that we’ll see today. Expect your coach to devote the majority of the instructional portion of the class to teaching the different options for the ring dip. Our row/bike/ski today should take us about 4 minutes each round, so all told we’re looking at a 30-40 minute workout for most athletes.
7th Annual 24 Heroes Fundraiser
May 29th – May 30th
TILT Southborough – 12 Southville Rd
Click HERE for all details