“Slippery Slope”
For Time:
1000m Row/Ski or 2000m Bike
50 DB Snatch (50/35#)
30 DB Box Step Ups (50/35#)
50 DB Snatch (50/35#)
1000m Row/Ski or 2000m Bike
WOD Guidance:
Steady on the R/B/S
Choose a DB weight you can do at least 15 reps every set
Who’s your favorite musician who also acts?
Box Brief
Save the Date!!
Mick and Casey’s going away party!
When: Friday, August 20th @ 6:30pm
Workout kicks off at 6:45pm! Come early to warmup on your own.
Where: CrossFit TILT Sudbury – 31 Union Avenue
What: Team of 2 Workout and Potluck! Come hangout and throw down as we wish Mick and Casey all the best on their new adventure! Bring a dish to share!
September Events!
Saturday Sept 11th – TILT Marathon @ TILT Waltham – Click HERE for sign-up and details.
Saturday Sept 18th – TILT Fall Getaway @ Mount Abram – Click HERE for sign-ups and all details.
If you have any questions about our September events, please contact Brian at brian@crossfittilt.com.