
“Heavy Hands”
4 rounds not for time:
200m DB/KB Farmers Carry
15 DB/KB Deadlifts
10 DB/KB Box Step Ups
@50/35 DBS or 53/35 KBs

WOD Guidance:
On todays workout we’re working on building the most functional of skills; picking things up and carrying them. We’re meant to be using the same weight dumbbells for all three movements. The farmers carries on this workout should not be done unbroken. Rather, we should seek to take 1-2 breaks over the course of our 200m. We should have the strength to do both our deadlifts and our step-ups unbroken, although our grip is going to make it advantageous to take breaks before each of these movements. Grip is definitely going to be the limiting factor today. Although our forearms will be fatigued, we should never fail a rep outright. Instead, let’s take a ton of breaks even when we feel good, that way we’re never dipping too far into our reserves of strength to hold on to the dumbbells or kettlebells.

Who’s the greatest fighter of all time?

Box Brief
7th Annual 24 Heroes Fundraiser
May 29th – May 30th
TILT Southborough – 12 Southville Rd
Click HERE for all details
FREE Running Seminar w/ Coach Jess
Saturday June 11th @ 8am-9am
TILT Sudbury – 31 Union Ave Click HERE for all details