Friends that run together
OTM x 30
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
WOD Guidance:
Another amazing workout to kick off this Tuesday – and one of my personal favorites! Chelsea is a challenge due to the fact that we’re looking for 1 full round to be completed on the minute, meaning you’ll have to finish rounds faster than that if you’d like to have some rest. Choose pull up and push up options that can stay unbroken for the majority of the workout, and a number of air squats that will allow you to cruise. Hang in there for this one, total volume is 150 pull ups, 300 push ups, 450 air squats which is a Murph and a half, so choose options and rep adjustments wisely!
Box Brief:
24 Heroes Fundraiser – Saturday May 20th – Sunday May 21st
Click HERE for all details
Marathon Monday 4/17- One Class at 8am!