“The Lorax”
3 rounds of
500m Row or 1000m Bike
12 DB/KB Thrusters @ 50s/35s or 53s/35s
21 Pull-ups
WOD Guidance:
Today we have a twist on “Helen” with a hint of “Fran”, and any variations of these are always a treat! Push the row hard and find a loading for the thruster that will allow you to go unbroken each round, and a pull up variation that will ideally be completed in 2 sets. This workout is all about the gas pedal, so don’t hold anything back!
Box Brief:
24 Heroes Fundraiser – Saturday May 20th – Sunday May 21st
Click HERE for all details
Gym Closed on Easter Sunday 4/9- No Open Gym
Marathon Monday 4/17- One Class at 8am!