The look of determination

“Popeye the Sailorman”
10 min clock:
Find a heavy set of 5 touch and go snatch (power or squat)


5 rounds of:
1 min Double Unders
1 min Hang Power Snatch @ 75/55
1 min Rest

WOD Guidance:
Eat. Your. Spinach.

Starting things off with our weight lifting portion, you’ll be working using the hook grip, losing the hook grip, and then finding it again as well as cycling a heavy-ish snatch.

On the second portion things will get very grippy and shouldery (not sure that’s a word) fast. Try to spin the rope with your wrists and breath at the top of the hang power snatch.

Box Brief 
TILT Rowathon Competition – Saturday March 2nd – Click HERE  for details and sign-up link.
January Gymnastics Classes – Sundays in January @ 10am-11am @ TILT Sudbury
Click HERE for all details
January TILT Book Club – Click HERE for details.