“It Takes Two”
Teams of 2
100 Wall Balls (20/14#)
100 Burpees
100 Medicine Ball Lunges (20/14#)
100 Double Unders
WOD Guidance-
One partner works while the other rests– work hard rest hard. Switch before you slow down!
Question of the Day-
Is cereal soup?
Box Brief-
T-Shirt and Tank Top Pre-Order sheets are on the front desk! Get your order in by Wednesday, 2/19!
Clothing Swap at CrossFit TILT Waltham THIS SUNDAY (2/16) at 1:00PM
Bring your clean, lightly worn workout clothes and shoes to give away or exchange– T-Shirts, tank tops, shorts, sweatpants, sweatshirts, long sleeve shirts, sneakers, etc. are all acceptable. Revamp that wardrobe!
Maybe even score some vintage CrossFit TILT gear! And at the very least— DONUTS!