Coach James
2 Rounds-
100 Double Unders
50 DB/KB Deadlifts (50/35#) or Barbell Deadlifts (115/80#)
50 Ab Mat Sit Ups
50/35 Calorie Row
Post time to comments!
WOD Guidance-
Spend no more than :90 seconds to 2 minutes on the jump rope. Light weight on the deadlifts, but break them up– this one will get grippy! Steady through the sit ups and the row.
Question of the Day-
If you were a professional wrestler, what would your walkout song be?
Box Brief-
The second annual CrossFit TILT Rowathon is THIS SATURDAY, 2/8, at CrossFit TILT Sudbury!
Click HERE for information about the event, and to sign up your team!
Make sure you sign up for your Unlimited $98 for 31 Days Membership! Click HERE for link to sign up!
If you have any questions regarding membership sign up– please email james@crossfittilt.com