“Post WOD Reflections”

“The Equalizer”
10 down to 1 Strict Pull-up
1 up to 10 DBL DB Strict Press @ 50/35
30-20-10 Kipping Pull-up
10-20-30 DBL DB Push Press @ 50/35

WOD Guidance:
Say bye bye and #seeyalata to your sleeves after this one. You may not be able to steer your car, fit through a door, or wash your hair but you’ll definitely be able to snap a dope selfie in the bathroom mirror and turn the structure up to 1,000,000. Pick a weight that’s challenging on the strict knowing you’ll get to use your legs on the push press. For the pull-ups your fav coach will have your fav mods to make the volume fit for you.

Box Brief:
TILT Internal Team Throwdown – Saturday October 21st @ 8:45am at TILT Waltham – Click HERE for details. Sign-up at the front desk!