
“Cafe Mocha”
EMOM 20:00
1. 10 burpees
2. 10 dumbbell thrusters @ 35/25#

WOD Guidance:
Today we have a fun EMOM style workout featuring everyone’s favorite movements…….Alternate sets between burpees and thrusters, and choose a load that will allow you to keep the thruster unbroken. The burpees should be nice and smooth the whole way through.

Box Brief:
Lift N Chill September Sundays with Eddie – Every Sunday in September from 9:30am-11:00am @ TILT Sudbury. Click HERE for details.
TILT Internal Team Throwdown – Saturday October 21st @ 8:45am at TILT Waltham – Click HERE for details. Sign-up at the front desk!