“Sonic the Hedgehog”
1 min On / 2 min Off x 10
60 Yard Shuttle Run
7 Deadlifts @ Bodyweight
Max Lateral Burpees in Remaining Time
WOD Guidance:
Our workout today is an interval style sprint workout. Each round is meant to be fast, so we’re looking for a 60yd sprint for the shuttle, and then 7 quick and unbroken deadlifts. We should aim to have :20-:30 for our burpees each round, which means moving quickly. The 2 minute rest should be enough to allow you to recover for another high output interval.
Box Brief:
Zero One Nutrition Challenge is LIVE! Click HERE for details.
King of The Mountain 24 Hour Event – Saturday September 10th @ 9am at Mount Abram – Click HERE for details.
We will be closed on Labor Day- Monday 9/5