
Clean and jerk 3-3-3-3-3 reps

AMRAP 12:00
10 hang clean + jerk @ 135/95#
20 wall balls @ 20/14#

WOD Guidance:
Another double day, this time working a bit more lower body. The clean and jerk is the focus for the day with heavy sets of 3 to start. Once we’ve gone heavy, we’re going lighter and faster – a moderate time domain with a moderate load barbell and some wall balls will make for a spicy combo. Choose a load for both movements that would allow at least one unbroken round. From there, break things up into two smart sets as needed to keep yourself moving!

Box Brief:
Lift N Chill September Sundays with Eddie – Every Sunday in September from 9am-10:30am @ TILT Sudbury. Click HERE for details.
Monday September 4th – Closed for Labor Day