“Mystery Box”
10 rounds of
:90 On
:60 Off
WOD Guidance:
We’re returning to intervals on Thursdays with this classic TILT interval. When we’re approaching interval days, we want to think about being consistent and keeping out output the same. To that end, it’s a good idea to keep a whiteboard next to us and track to make sure we’re not falling off round to round. A minute can seem like a lot of rest, but it goes quickly after the first few rounds, so we probably can’t go all-out in every single round. A common question that I get on these days is whether we should set our C2 machine in calories or meters. I always recommend going with calories in this situation. Concept2 machines don’t actually measure calories or meters; they measure watts generated per stroke, and then the computer in the PM5 converts the watts to either calories or meters. The conversion to meters is an asymptotic function. Each watt that we push harder has a diminishing marginal return to meters. The conversion to calories is an exponential function. Every watt that we push harder has an increasing marginal return to calories. This means that the more we increase our speed, the more calories we get, versus the more we increase our speed, the fewer meters we get.
What’s the most surprised you’ve ever been?
Box Brief:
FREE Running Seminar w/ Coach Jess
Saturday June 11th @ 8am-9am
TILT Sudbury – 31 Union Ave Click HERE for all details