THURSDAY VIRTUAL CLASS SCHEDULE 7 AM Class, 9 AM Class, 11 AM Endurance, 12 PM Core and Cardio, 1 PM Bodybuilding, 4 PM Mobility, 5 PM Class
25 Double Unders
6 DB Hang Squat Clean Thruster
Rest 4 min
DB Hang Squat Clean Thruster
3 rounds of
1 min Singles
1 min Spider Man Reach + Air Squat
Double Under Warmup
:20 Singles
:20 High Singles
:20 Double Taps
:20 Double Unders
Hang Squat Clean Thruster Warmup
10 Hang Power Clean
10 Front Squats (5+5)
8 Hang Squat Cleans
8 Push Press (4 + 4)
6 Hang Squat Clean Thruster
Singles, Double Taps, Line Hops, Jumping Jacks
Hang Squat Clean, DB Power Clean & Jerk
Tabata Time
Question of the Day
What Do People Do That Drives You Bonkers?
Box Brief
When: July 7th-July 10th @ 10:30am-11:30am
Who: Ages 6-10
Cost: $60/child
Sign-up Link: https://crossfit-tilt-
If you are interested in signing your child up, or are looking for more information, please contact Brian at
We are excited to announce that TILT will be utilizing the TRIIB app for workout posts, workout tracking, and a platform to reserve your spot in classes once we re-open.