Person: “Do you need help carrying your groceries?” Talia: “see picture above”

“Movin’ Out”
7 rounds of:
2 min On
2 min Off
200m Run
Max Burpees in Remaining Time

WOD Guidance:
Today we have a simple (not easy) workout that gives everyone a great chance to practice running. Two minutes is more than enough time to hit a 200m run, so if you’re someone that generally scales the distance on running workouts you may be fine running the full distance today. Our burpees today should be fast and challenging. One burpee variation that combines energy efficiency and speed is the jump back, step up burpee. Expect your coach to go through a full burpee progression that includes this movement. Whenever we have a day with 1:1 work to rest, expect to push hard because you know you’ll be able to get in decent recovery between each round. 

Which singer/artist can’t you stand?

Box Brief:
FREE Running Seminar w/ Coach Jess
Saturday June 11th @ 8am-9am
TILT Sudbury – 31 Union Ave Click HERE for all details