Ring Row, Row, Row your boat

“Shelf Cloud”
15 min Clock
Toes to Bar + Burpee Ladder
Min 1 – 1 T2B + Max Burpees
Min 2 – 2 T2B + Max Burpees
Min 3 – 3 T2B + Max Burpees

WOD Guidance:
This workout should be a fun midline and breathing challenge! Climbing ladder of toes to bar and burpees on each minute. We’ve done a similar workout a couple weeks ago with front squats and burpees. This one features only gymnastics, but is a bit longer. Each minute, we’ll add another rep of toes to bar, and then bax burpees in remaining time. The goal is to choose a midline option that will allow you to keep sets unbroken at least until you’re in double digits. From there, one quick break at the most – so choose an option that is manageable for you so we can keep moving on this one!

Box Brief:
24 Heroes Fundraiser – Saturday May 20th – Sunday May 21st
Click HERE for all details