We are in this climb together!
“Waiting to Exhale”
6 rounds of
2:30 On / 2:30 Off
25/20 Calories
10 Power Cleans @ 135/95
Max Burpees in Remaining Time
What’s your favorite Whitney Houston song?
WOD Guidance:
Today is an interval format that’s not as common to CrossFit as it should be. We have six rounds with equal amounts of rest and work. The advantage of planning out a workout this way is that we can push the pace on all three elements, knowing that we have the rest coming at the end of the round. When we’re planning out our interval, we want to make sure we have at least 30 seconds on the burpees each round. This means that our calories and power cleans should take us no more than two minutes combined. We should pick a weight on the power cleans where we’re able to do ten quick singles, or potentially hold on for a combination of sets and singles. Our pace should start off steady, and ideally we get 1 or 2 burpees faster each round as we settle in to the feel of the workout.
Box Brief
Sunday 4/17- Gym will be Closed
**Save the Date**
7th Annual 24 Heroes Fundraiser
When: May 29th – May 30th
Where: TILT Southborough – 12 Southville Road
Click HERE for all details!