“Thidwick the Bog Hearted Moose”
5 rounds of
5 min Row/Bike/Ski
5 min Rest
WOD Guidance:
Today we have some longer intervals with a very unique focus – aerobic threshold. 5:00 is too long to be anaerobic, but its too short to be at a “cruising” pace. So what we’re looking for today is getting into a “deep aerobic state”. What does this mean? This is the feeling where you can hold this pace, but you really really really don’t want to. You may have some mental conversations back and forth with yourself, but that’s what builds character. Dig in, and hold the pace that you don’t want to hold – you’ll be better for it.
Box Brief:
24 Heroes Fundraiser – Saturday May 20th – Sunday May 21st
Click HERE for all details
Gym Closed on Easter Sunday 4/9- No Open Gym
Marathon Monday 4/17- One Class at 8am!