Who’s FIRED UP for Bring a Friend Day?!!!
5 Rounds of-
1 Minute Row
:30 Rest
1 Minute Bike
:30 Rest
1 Minute Ski
:30 Rest
1 Minute Double Unders
:30 Rest
WOD Guidance-
Work hard, rest hard!
Aim for consistency across rounds.
Great day for skill practice on the rope.
Question of the Day-
What would be the theme song in a TV show about your life?
Box Brief-
Sign-ups for the TILT 800 Gram Nutrition Challenge are live at the front desk!
Click HERE for more information about the challenge.
The TILT Top Gun Team Throwdown is coming!
Click HERE for more information about this Same-Sex Team of 2 Competition
being held in our own backyard!