“Sunday Funday”
Every 5:00 x 4 rounds
400m run
20 burpee box jump over @ 24/20″
WOD Guidance:
Simple, not easy. Run and burpee BJO at a pace that is steady and consistent. We’re aiming for roughly :60-:90 of rest each round, so adjust running distances and BBJO reps as needed to allow this. Settle in to a pace, and try to get right to the box coming in from the run.
Box Brief:
Lift N Chill September Sundays with Eddie – Every Sunday in September from 9:30am-11:00am @ TILT Sudbury. Click HERE for details.
TILT Internal Team Throwdown – Saturday October 21st @ 8:45am at TILT Waltham – Click HERE for details. Sign-up at the front desk!