“Sunday Funday”
For time
2000m Row
30 Bench Presses @115/80
1000m Row
20 Bench Presses @135/95
500m Row
10 Bench Presses@155/105
WOD Guidance:
Today we have a steady day that’s all about picking the right weights on the bench presses. We’re looking to be able to complete each round of bench press in 2-3 sets. Our first round of bench might be 12-10-8, our second 8-7-5 and our third 5-5 or 4-3-3. Your speed on the row is going to depend on your bench press ability. If you’re a bench press beast, then you should row fast knowing that the bench won’t be a problem even if you’re a little out of breath. If the bench press is more challenging for you, you’ll want to row more slowly and save your energy for the portion of the workout that you’ll struggle with the most.