
“Sunday Funday”
Pausing Back Squat
5-4-3-2-1 Reps, increase weight on each set

Pausing Bench Press
5-4-3-2-1 Reps, increase weight on each set

Cash out: 3 sets of max strict pull-ups

WOD Guidance:
Strength Building Sunday’s

Box Brief
Labor Day Schedule 

Sunday 9/5- Closed
Monday 9/6- 7am and 9am Classes Only

NEW TILT Apparel is coming!! Click the sign-up link HERE to order.

September Events!
Saturday Sept 11th – TILT Marathon @ TILT Waltham – Click HERE for sign-up and details.
Saturday Sept 18th – TILT Fall Getaway @ Mount Abram – Click HERE for sign-ups and all details.
If you have any questions about our September events, please contact Brian at