Finish the week with a smile!
“Sunday Funday”
Buy In: 400m Double KB Front Rack Carry: 53s/35s
AMRAP in time remaining
15 Double KB Deadlifts
15 V-Ups
WOD Guidance:
This workout has a lengthy carry buy-in, followed by a midline challenge to cap things off. When we do a double KB front rack our kettlebells should be in the area between our wrist, elbow, and shoulder, what Max calls the “Bermuda Triangle of Fitness.” We want to avoid having the kettlebell resting on the top of our shoulder with the handle above the cannonball. This does make the carry much easier, but this is a back rack position, not a front rack. We also want to make sure that our elbows are pointed out away from each other rather than down towards the ground. This will keep the kettlebells from putting too much torque on our wrists. Take as many breaks as you want on these carries. When you get back inside, let’s try to keep the kettlebell deadlifts unbroken and take the v-ups at our own pace.