“Easter Sunday Funday”
GYM CLOSED TODAY! See you all on Monday!

Home WOD
Every 8:00 x 3 rounds
1000m Row or Run
30 Burpee over rower or Easter basket

WOD Guidance:
Today’s interval fun is 3 rounds of rowing and burpees over your rower. The goal is consistent splits between rounds. We should have at least 1:00 rest between rounds so choose a row distance and burpee number that will allow the row to be completed in 4:30 or less and the burpees in 2:30 or less. From there, keeping it consistent is the name of the game!

Box Brief:
24 Heroes Fundraiser – Saturday May 20th – Sunday May 21st
Click HERE for all details
Marathon Monday 4/17- One Class at 8am!