
For Time:
1 mile Run
21 Power Cleans
15 Thrusters
800m Run
15 Power Cleans
12 Thrusters
400m Run
9 Power Cleans
9 Thrusters

WOD Guidance:
Today we have a barbell workout with lots of running in between. If we scale and modify this workout correctly, we’ll be spending more time outside on the run than inside on our barbell. Today we’re going to be more limited by our thruster than our power clean. 135/95 is likely the heaviest thruster we’ll see in the context of a workout. Our thruster weight should be something where we could do 10 reps unbroken if we were fresh, but inside the workout let’s try to stick to sets of 5. For our power cleans the weight will likely be light enough that we could do sets if we wanted to, but the better strategy will be to fins a sustainable pace with quick singles throughout the workout.

What historical event doesn’t get covered thoroughly enough in school?

Box Brief 
Core Conversations Seminar – Saturday August 13th @ 10:30am – Click HERE for details.
Zero One Nutrition Challenge starts August 26th! Click HERE for details.
King of The Mountain 24 Hour Event – Saturday September 10th @ 9am at Mount Abram – Click HERE for details.