Brenna leading the charge!
“Samuel Chase”
5 rounds
20 burpees
10 power cleans @ 185/125#
400m run
10 shoulder to overhead @ 185/125#
WOD Guidance:
BIG Saturday workout today – big barbells and lots of rounds to move through. This one will be a long workout, so get settled in and ready to grind. Choose a barbell loading that would allow for one unbroken set of each movement while fresh, but singles is likely the best move for the power cleans and two sets on the push jerks. Dig in here, and grind through this long workout featuring a heavy barbell, some short runs, and just the right amount of burpees…..
Box Brief:
Pickleball+Potluck Summer Social
Friday 7/21 @ 5:30pm at TILT Southborough