Danny “Float like a Butterfly” Silverman
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“30 and a Half”
3 rounds
30 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters @ 75/55
30 Lateral Burpees
800m Run
WOD Guidance:
Super Light barbell, should be able to cycle for some bigger sets today!
Steady on the burpees and run
What’s your favorite olympic sport to watch?
Box Brief
July Kids Fitness Classes!
When: July 2021 – Tuesday and Thursdays @ 10:30am-11:30am (July 6th-July 29th)
Where: CrossFit TILT Southboro – 12 Southville Road
Who: Children ages 6-9 years old
Cost: $20/class*50% discount for any additional family members
How to Sign-up: Email Brian at brian@crossfittilt.com to sign-up
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Please remember to check into class when arriving at the gym on the front desk tablets.