Member of the Decade!

400m Run
30 Push-ups
2 Rope Climbs (1st Legless / 2nd Regular)’

WOD Guidance:
This workout is especially cool because it’s one that biases strength, despite only using the resistance from our own body weight. The entrée here is definitely the rope climb. We run all the time and do push-ups all the time, so expect your coach to spend a good deal of class covering the intricacies of both legless and leg assisted rope climbs. I think it can be tempting to think of these movements as two flavors of the same thing, in the way that strict muscle-ups and kipping muscle-ups are mechanically similar despite some obvious differences. I would argue that this is not the case for rope climbs, and in fact the legless rope climb is a completely different movement from the leg assisted rope climb. When we do a leg assisted rope climb the focus is on long extension and deep flexion, alternating between making our bodies long to cover the most distance on the rope possible, and then using the anchor of our hands to pull our feet up as high as possible. In a legless rope climb, our focus should be on keeping our body in a relatively similar position the entire time. One of the strongest structures the human body can create is the attachment of our elbow to our ribcage. As the elbow gets further and further away from the ribs and the arm gets more extended, the strength of that structure is decreased. Obviously we can’t climb a rope with our elbow attached to our ribs, but when we do our legless rope climbs we should keep in mind that low elbows (at or below the shoulder line) and bent arms will allow us to scamper up the rope using small steps and taking advantage of the mechanical strength of our bodies.

Given unlimited time, what language would you study?