Bia leading the way!

“Hurry Up and Wait”
Up Ladder
1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5…
Power Cleans @ 225/155
Bar Muscle Ups

WOD Guidance:
Today we’ve combined a high skill movement in the bar muscle-up with a heavy lift in the power clean. Most classes will start with a bar muscle-up clinic, where coaches go through common scales and modifications to help you get the most out of this movement. After a power clean teaching progression, expect your coach to go through a series of practice rounds designed to get you built up to a weight that’s heavy, but an appropriate stimulus for the workout. The best context for the barbell today is to say that it is the heaviest power clean that we would consider hitting in the context of a WOD. Nobody should be cycling the barbell for multiple reps today, and even the single reps should be done at a slow pace. Those hitting bar muscle-ups will try to hold on to unbroken sets for as long as possible, starting each round with a larger set and then getting into a rhythm of 1s, 2s and 3s as they get deeper into the workout.

Where’s the place that has the worst customer service?

Box Brief:
Gym Closed July 4th!