The famous words of Kristin: “Chalk up and get back out there!”
“Light Lunch”
1600m Run
50 Burpees
800m Run
40 Burpee Box Jumps
400m Run
30 Burpee Pull-ups
What’s the best appetizer?
WOD Guidance:
This workout is all cardio, all the time. We’re looking at just under 2 miles of running, and 120 burpees total, so we can expect a workout that’s in the 20-30 minute range for most athletes. As with most running workouts, not liking running is not a good reason to not run. If we need to modify the runs we can reduce the distance, or split the distance between a run and a bike. Our goal today on the burpees should be to do an increasingly more challenging burpee variation every time we get back from a run, starting with a standard burpee and progressing to a burpee box jump and ultimately to a burpee pull-up. Let’s seek to modify the height on the burpee box jump before substituting the jump for the step-up. The burpee pull-up can turn into a burpee ring row, where we chunk a certain number of burpees together and follow it up with the same number of ring rows (say 5 burpees and 5 ring rows).
Box Brief
Return to Running Seminar
When: Saturday April 23rd @ 10:15am-11:15am
Where: TILT Waltham – 40 Jones Road
Cost: FREE
Click HERE for more details.
**Save the Date**
7th Annual 24 Heroes Fundraiser
When: May 29th – May 30th
Where: TILT Southborough – 12 Southville Road
Click HERE for all details!