Judge Jill

17 Power Cleans (135/95 lb)
75 Air Squats
*At the end of each round, unload the barbell and carry it 200 meters away. Return to the plates and then carry one forward to the barbell. Retrieve the second plate, carry it forward and reload the barbell for the next round.

Gotcha! April Fools 😉

“April Fools”
For Time:
DB Snatch
Rope Climb
200m Run

WOD Guidance:
Today we have a fun climbing ladder workout featuring some DB snatches, rope climbs and running. The runs are short and should be used as recovery for the next round coming up. The DB snatches should be at a load that allows for 15+ reps repeatedly each round, and rope climbs should be nice and smooth. There’s plenty of puling in this one, so be sure to find a nice steady pace to keep your arms moving.

Box Brief:
24 Heroes Fundraiser – Saturday May 20th – Sunday May 21st
Click HERE for all details
Gym Closed on Easter Sunday 4/9- No Open Gym
Marathon Monday 4/17- One Class at 8am!