
OPEN GYM TODAY (12/26) AT 9, 10 and 11 AM

As a reminder…
* All members are now required to wear a mask at all times.
* If you are feeling sick or think you may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 please DO NOT come to the gym.
* If you are awaiting a test result, please DO NOT come to the gym.
Click HERE for Indoor Class Policies

Virtual Access:
Click HERE to access our Vimeo

Captain America
100 Cals
100 T2B
100 Single Arm Devils Press

Partition reps however you would like.

WOD Guidance
Rep Suggestions
5 Rounds of 20 Reps
10 Rounds of 10 Reps
50 Cal Buy In, 10 Rounds of 10 TTB and 10 Devils Press, 50 Cal Cash Out

Box Brief
TILT January Nutrition Challenge is coming!
Click HERE for info and to sign up! It’s FREE!