Team 10K in picture form

“Team 10k”
Teams of 3
Team 10k
Switch every 250m
7 to 10 pushups after every effort

WOD Guidance:
Rowing, a sport with origins dating back to ancient Egypt and Greece, evolved into modern competitive rowing in the early 18th century, with the founding of rowing clubs and the establishment of races, becoming an Olympic sport in 1900 and gaining worldwide popularity for its blend of endurance, teamwork, and precision.

Todays workout is a classic triple OG type of workout. Blackout on the rower and hit some pushups for measure, it is Saturday after all.

Box Brief 
November Zero One Nutrition Challenge – Click HERE for all details. Be sure to sign-up at the front desk by November 1st!

Wine and Dine Event – Friday, November 17th @ 7:00pm at TILT Waltham. Click HERE for details.

Bar Muscle Up Seminar – Sunday, November 19th @ 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM. Click HERE for details. No sign-up needed.

TILT Holiday Party – Saturday, December 9th @ 7:00pm – Click HERE for details. Sign-up at the front desk! 
On Friday, November 10th we will be holding open gym from 530am-10am and 430pm-630pm to take on the Hero Workout Chad- 1,000 Step Ups for Time. Come on in during any of these time slots to tackle this workout! Coaches will be present during these slots.