
“Pirate Nate”
2 Rope Climbs
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53

WOD Guidance:
What is a pirates favorite letter?
You think it’s the “R” but it’s really the “C”
Fun spin on a classic hero workout. Rounds will be slower than the muscle up version. Find a mod that will allow for unbroken handstand pushups and swings.

Box Brief 
November Zero One Nutrition Challenge – Click HERE for all details. Be sure to sign-up at the front desk by November 1st!
Wine and Dine Event – Friday, November 17th @ 7:00pm at TILT Waltham. Click HERE for details.
Bar Muscle Up Seminar – Sunday, November 19th @ 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM. Click HERE for details. No sign-up needed.

TILT Holiday Party – Saturday, December 9th @ 7:00pm – Click HERE for details. Sign-up at the front desk!