Coach Liz will be leading the charge today!

“Half and Half”
Teams of 2
For Time:
150 Calories
75 Front Squats @ 95/65
120 Calories
60 Thrusters @ 95/65
90 Calories
45 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 95/65

WOD Guidance:
People who drink black coffee don’t actually like it, it’s just a flex on the rest of us. Believe me I’d know I used to be one of them. Will I drink black coffee? Of course. I’ll drink coffee that’s been sitting out for a week if I have to, but let me tell you add a little half of half to your coffee and tell me black coffee is better.

Woooooo doggy! This is an awesome team workout. Buckle up your chin strap and get ready for a wild ride.

Box Brief 
TILT Rowathon Competition – Saturday March 2nd – Click HERE  for details and sign-up link.
January Gymnastics Classes – Sundays in January @ 10am-11am @ TILT Sudbury
Click HERE for all details
January TILT Book Club – Click HERE for details.