“Drop It Low”
For Load:
Hang Squat Snatch 7×3
For Time:
30/24 Calories
30 Hang Squat Snatch @ 95/65
30 Lateral Burpees
WOD Guidance:
Today we have a two part class that is focused almost entirely on the snatch. We want to use today to focus on a solid bottom position in the snatch, nice active shoulders and good depth. We first go heavy, working 7 sets of 3 reps on the hang squat snatch. We may not be able to go super heavy here, and that’s okay – work on dialing in those positions and speed under the bar and we’ll get the adaptation we’re after. For our conditioning piece, an all out sprint in the form of a mini chipper. We should approach this one with reckless abandon, and row as quick as we can and still get on the bar. From there, the hang snatches should be done in 4 sets or better, so repeating sets of 7-10. Once you get to the burpees, it’s whatever you have left to the finish! Expect this one to be under 10 minutes.
Box Brief:
Zero One Nutrition Challenge starts August 26th! Click HERE for details.
King of The Mountain 24 Hour Event – Saturday September 10th @ 9am at Mount Abram – Click HERE for details.