“El Cap”
4 Bar Muscle Ups
8 DB/KB Strict Press or Barbell Strict Press
16 Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35
WOD Guidance:
Today our workout is all shoulders, and it’s a lot of pulling and grip work. We want to pick an option on the bar muscle-up that’s our hardest version of a pull-up. Given the low number of reps it’s okay to be down to singles, but we don’t want to be missing reps on the gymnastics today. We want to pick a weight on our strict presses and kettlebell swings that allow us to work with no more than one break, even when we’re tired. The name of the game today is managing shoulder fatigue. We all know that it’s possible to hit a “point of no return” where our shoulders become so fatigued that we have to slow down exponentially. We can avoid this by taking breaks before we become fatigued. Even if you feel great, I would recommend taking one break each on the presses and the swings every round, starting with round 1.
What’s your favorite documentary?