“Triple Threat”
OTM x 30
1 – 15/12 Calorie Row
2 – 15 Burpees
3 – 15 Thrusters @ 95/65

WOD Guidance:
This workout is a big challenge based on the workout “Fortitude.” In the workout “Fortitude,” we alternate between minutes of rowing and burpees for 15 rounds. Today, we work through ten rounds of rowing and burpees, with the addition of a thruster on the third minute. When we’re thinking about how to modify this workout, our goal should be to pick options that allow us to complete the required work in under 40 seconds for the first round. This means that for an RX athlete, they should be able to do 15/12 calories, 15 burpees, and 15 thrusters in under 40 seconds. We may go over this in subsequent rounds, but hopefully modifying in this fashion allows us to maintain the same modifications for all ten rounds. The thruster weight today is meant to be light. If we break up thrusters at any point today, we went too heavy. Breaking up our thruster means hat we’re unlikely to finish the required reps in a minute. This is a great day for many athletes to use an empty barbell or even a PVC for thrusters.

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