MONDAY VIRTUAL CLASS SCHEDULE 7 AM Class, 9 AM Class, 10:30 KIDS CLASS, 12 PM Core and Cardio, 1 PM HIIT/Sculpt, 4 PM Mobility, 5 PM Class
MONDAY VIRTUAL CLASS SCHEDULE 7 AM Class, 9 AM Class, 10:30 KIDS CLASS, 12 PM Core and Cardio, 1 PM HIIT/Sculpt, 4 PM Mobility, 5 PM Class
Here Comes the Sun
6 rounds of
12 DB Snatch
6 Burpees
12 DB Hang Clean + Jerk
6 Burpees
3 rounds of
:30 Toe Taps
:30 Air Deadlifts
:30 Plank Shoulder Taps
DB Snatch Warmup
10 Deadlifts
10 Hip Pops or High Pulls
10 Push Press (5 and 5)
10 Hang Snatch
10 Snatch
DB Hang Clean + Jerk Warmup
10 Hang Clean
10 Hang Clean + Jerk
Burpee Warmup
3 Up Downs (any style)
3 Step Down and Step Up Burpee
3 Drop Down and Step Up Burpee
3 Drop Down and Snap Up Burpee
Hang Snatch, KB Swing, DB DL
Reps,Up Downs
Hang DB Clean and Jerk, DB Clean, Hang DB Clean
Question of the Day
What cartoon character would you most want to be quarantined with?
Tabata Time
Weekly Challenge