Nicole repping out some one arm push-ups!

Virtual Access:
Click HERE to access our Vimeo

30 Double Unders
15 Hang Power Snatch @ 75/55

Rest 3 min

30 Double Unders
15 Overhead Squat @ 75/55

WOD Guidance:
No more that :30 on your rope
Super light barbell you should be able to cycle for big sets!

Do you eat M&M’s one at a time or by the handful?

Box Brief
Weightlifting Seminar with Coach Eddie starting May 16th! Click HERE for all the details and how to sign-up!

24 Heroes Fundraiser is COMING!
Memorial Day Weekend (Sunday 5/30-Monday 5/31) at TILT V and virtually via Zoom
More details HERE

NEW Kids Fitness Class Time: 11:00am-11:30am in Sudbury