Ale K- TILT V January Member of the Month!

Virtual Access:
Click HERE to access our Vimeo

Click HERE for Indoor Class Policies

Tom and Jerry

Rest 5 min

Power Snatch @ 145/100

WOD Guidance
Find a pace to keep yourself moving for 7 minutes!
Moderate weight on the Snatches

Question of the Day
If you had to be on one, what reality show would you have the best chance at winning?

Box Brief
TILT Affiliate Cup coming SOON! TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP! Click HERE for details!
February Mental Toughness Seminar w/ Coach Mick- Click HERE for all details
Kids Fitness Classes– Sundays @ 12:00pm-12:30pm in Sudbury
NEW Virtual Mobility Class- Every Wednesday at 4:30pm-4:45pm starting 1/20
Virtual Wine Night- Thursday 2/11 @ 7:00pm – Click HERE for all details