500m Row or 1000m Bike
3 rounds of Strict Nate*
*1 round of Nate:
2 Strict Muscle Ups
4 Strict HSPU
8 KBS @ 70/53
WOD Guidance:
Today we have a conditioning biased Nate variation. This workout is long, and focuses on some strict gymnastics before getting back to a monostructural element. We should choose options today that we can manage to get all three rounds of Nate unbroken each time. If we’re having to break these reps up from the start, we’ve chosen something a little too challenging.
Box Brief
TILT Holiday Party
When: Saturday December 3rd from 7pm to 1145pm
Where: The Dudley Chateau – 20 Crest Road, Wayland
Cost: This event will be all you can eat and open bar for an all in price of $30 per person
How to Sign-up: Sign-up at the front desk! Sign-up deadline is Wednesday Nov 30th. TRIIB account will be charged.