Rope Climb day!

“The Magic Treehouse”
Up Ladder
Round 1: 1 Rope Climb, 2 Box Jumps, 3 Hand Release Push-ups
Round 2: 2, 4, 6
Round 3: 3, 6, 9

WOD Guidance:
Focus on efficiency on the rope climbs with the high volume today
Break up the push-ups early and often, even in the smaller rounds, as they add up quick!

If you had to sell products for any brand, which brand would you want to represent?

Box Brief
September Events!
Saturday Sept 11th – TILT Marathon @ TILT Waltham – Click HERE for sign-up and details.
Saturday Sept 18th – TILT Fall Getaway @ Mount Abram – Click HERE for sign-ups and all details.

If you have any questions about our September events, please contact Brian at