
“Benjamin Franklin”
Every 1:30 x 10 sets
2 snatch pull
2 power snatch

3-4 sets
10 behind the neck strict press
10 snatch grip bent over row

WOD Guidance:
A fun heavy day to get after on this Friday. Today we’re all about the snatch and dialing in that hip extension and fast turnover. Because this complex is 4 total reps, we likely won’t hit maximal loading, but you can build decently heavy for this combo. Afterwards, we’ve got some snatch specific pulling and pressing work for the upper body to keep things healthy and balanced!

Box Brief:
Pickleball+Potluck Summer Social
Friday 7/21 @ 5:30pm at TILT Southborough
Blue Hills Hike + Trillium Brewery Outing – Saturday July 15th @ 10:00am
Click HERE for all details