FRIDAY VIRTUAL CLASS SCHEDULE 7 AM Class, 9 AM Class, 10:30 AM Kids, 12 PM Core and Cardio, 1 PM HIIT/Sculpt, 4 PM Mobility, 5 PM Class
“Octopus’s Garden”
400m Run
10 Dumbbell Squat Cleans
400m Run
20 Dumbbell Squat Cleans
400m Run
30 Dumbell Squat Cleans
General Warmup
2 minutes Run/Row/Bike/Ski/Single Unders/Jumping Jacks
1 min Bootstrapper Stretch
1 minute Run/Row/Bike/Ski/Single Unders/Jumping Jacks
:30 Bootstrapper Stretch
:30 Run/Row/Bike/Ski/Single Unders/Jumping Jacks
:15 Bootstrapper Stretch
Dumbbell Squat Clean
10 Alternating Deadlift
10 Alternating Hang Power Clean
10 Front Squat (5 + 5)
10 Alternating Hang Squat Clean
10 Alternating Squat Clean
WOD Modifications
Run- 300/200m Run (2:00/1:30/1:00 time domain) Row/Ski 400m, Bike 800m
Dumbbell Squat Clean- DB Hang Squat Clean, DB Clean, DB Front Squat, Air Squats Rep Scheme 20/15/10, 20/10/5
Tabata Time
Question of the Day
You can eat ONLY hot dogs, potato chips, watermelon, and ice cream all summer long OR eat anything you want all summer EXCEPT hot dogs, potato chips, watermelon, and ice cream. What is your choice?