Cris the sideplank model!

150 Wall Balls @ 20/14
*EMOM 5 Burpees

WOD Guidance:
This workout is a high heart rate sprint that is going to test our shoulder endurance. Today is all about finding a wall ball option and a number on the burpees that works for us. Expect your coach to go through lengthy progressions on both these movements as well as multiple practice rounds so that you’re well prepared and know exactly what you’re doing before the 3,2,1 go. On our wall balls, we should probably be looking at one break per round. This might mean after your five burpees hitting a set of 9 wall balls, shaking your arms out for 5 or so seconds, then hitting another 6 reps. This pace gets you done with the workout in ten minutes, so while today might appear to be a longer workout, everyone is going to be finished relatively quickly. 

What’s the best modern updating of a classic movie or tv show?

Box Brief
7th Annual 24 Heroes Fundraiser
May 29th – May 30th
TILT Southborough – 12 Southville Rd
Click HERE for all details
FREE Running Seminar w/ Coach Jess
Saturday June 11th @ 8am-9am
TILT Sudbury – 31 Union Ave Click HERE for all details