
7×1 Clean and Jerks

30 Clean and Jerks @ 135/95

What’s your favorite CrossFit benchmark?

WOD Guidance:
We have another two-part day today that’s all about the clean and jerk. Our first part consists of 7 singles in the clean and jerk (one clean plus one jerk). We can choose to squat clean or power clean these reps, whichever one allows us to lift more weight. “Grace”” it’s not advisable to squat clean. Instead, we want to do 30 power cleans and push jerks as quickly as we can. Most athletes do 30 quick singles their first time doing “”Grace”” but more experienced athletes will work in sets. We might even have some athletes attempt to do all 30 reps unbroken today!

Box Brief
Return to Running Seminar
When: Saturday April 23rd @ 10:15am-11:15am
Where: TILT Waltham – 40 Jones Road
Cost: FREE
Click HERE for more details.

**Save the Date**
7th Annual 24 Heroes Fundraiser
When: May 29th – May 30th
Where: TILT Southborough – 12 Southville Road
Click HERE for all details!