“Deck the Halls”
Teams of 2
4 Double DB Power Cleans @ 50s/35s
8 Double DB Deficit Push-ups @ 50s/35s
12 Double DB Front Rack Step Back Lunges @ 50s/35s
Full Round Then Switch
WOD Guidance:
A fun partner workout for today, with some pretty fast rounds. Our DB movements should be unbroken, and potentially all 3 movements done as one unbroken complex. Partners will alternate full rounds, and we’re going to cruise for 20 minutes.
Box Brief
TILT Holiday Party
When: Saturday December 3rd from 7pm to 1145pm
Where: The Dudley Chateau – 20 Crest Road, Wayland
Cost: This event will be all you can eat and open bar for an all in price of $30 per person
How to Sign-up: Sign-up at the front desk! Sign-up deadline is Wednesday Nov 30th. TRIIB account will be charged.